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Book Club | Kate’s blog

Book Club | Kate’s blog

I have not been out much during this cold weather. We have been making lots of hot nourishing soups. One of the nicest parts of the week is sitting listening to a story; we read as part of a book club. The story we read was ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog In the...
Alison’s hopes for the New Year

Alison’s hopes for the New Year

These beautiful words were written by Alison at the start of last month. We’re so honoured to share them with you…thank you for giving us your permission Alison. Alison lives in her own flat and spent much of last year shielding. Alison’s mum,...
Cooking Challenge | Kate’s blog

Cooking Challenge | Kate’s blog

To cheer us up during a wet and dreary week in January, we agreed to take on a cooking challenge. We decided to make Chinese dumplings. We gathered all the ingredients together. We then watched a video briefly on how to make them. It all looked very simple, sadly it...