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Alison’s hopes for the New Year

These beautiful words were written by Alison at the start of last month. We’re so honoured to share them with you…thank you for giving us your permission Alison.

Alison lives in her own flat and spent much of last year shielding. Alison’s mum, Heather, says that Alison ‘…has coped with the lockdowns fairly well, but I think this shows how she has been affected by everything that has been happening.’


Well here we are again another new year is upon us

As we welcome in the year of 2021 who knows what it will hold

A lie that draws a smile or a truth that sheds a tear

But as we continue to live our lives we pray for those who have lost theirs

Their families and loved ones.

I’m glad I’m still here to be able to write about just how much our world our homes our livelihoods family and friends have had to suffer

No one knows when it will end but until it does we must keep each other safe and follow the rules to keep our families safe

If one day you read what I had written just be glad for what and who you are

I thought I should write this for everyone concerned

The memorable moments that we share and the people we share them with

One day it will be over and (I) am very proud of the country we live in

This is Alison who is a True Believer in making our homes our livelihoods our friends, families a safer happier and healthy place to live in

A True Believer who wishes our world to be bigger better and a safer community for everyone.