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‘Why not?’ by George Webster – a review by Lindsay

Earlier this spring, George Webster published his second picture book – Why not?. 

Lindsay, a member of the Our Voice network, has kindly written this review of the book.


What is the book about?

The book is about George and his sister and together they can do anything.

How does the book make you feel?

When reading the book it made feel happy.

What is your favourite part of the book?

My favourite part of the book is seeing the picture of George and his dad on their tandem; it reminded me of when me and my Dad go on our tandem.

What sort of people would you recommend the book to?

I would recommend this book to families who have children with Down’s Syndrome or other Learning Disabilities to show them that anything is worth a go.

What five words would you use to describe the book?

I would say the book is colourful, bright, awesome, rhyming, fun and easy to read – perfect for young children.