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Who we are

The Down’s Syndrome Association is the only charity in the UK providing support for all aspects of Down’s syndrome. Our aim is to enable people who have Down’s syndrome to live full and rewarding lives.

Our Mission Statement:

To create the conditions that all people who have Down’s syndrome need to live full and rewarding lives.

What we stand for

We believe in a society which values every member. Communities will be stronger when every member has the opportunity to thrive. We believe that people who have Down’s syndrome should be fully included in their communities.

We are all bound together in ways that can be invisible to the eye; that there is a oneness to humanity; that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and caring for those around us.

Barack Obama

Did You Know?

There are 2 babies born in the UK every Single day who have Down’s syndrome

People who have Down’s syndrome can enjoy a meaningful life into old age

People who have Down’s syndrome want the same opportunities as everyone else

The DSA will support everyone through the whole of their life’s journey

Our Vision:

People who have Down’s syndrome living healthy and meaningful lives in the community.

Our Values:

To listen and respond to people who have Down’s syndrome to ensure that everything we do is guided by their expressed needs and that we can represent their wishes.

To enable and empower people who have Down’s syndrome to lead the lives they want to by advocating for environments where they can develop their potential and make their own choices.

To be accountable to people who have Down’s syndrome and those who advocate for them, being clear and transparent about the work we do.

To be open and together, reaching out to communities, organisations and individuals who seek our help, communicating, cooperating and working together in partnership with others who can work with us in achieving our mission.

To be nationwide and independent, serving the interests of people who have Down’s syndrome, no matter where they live in the world, maintaining independence and integrity in our decision making.

To be accurate and truthful, providing only information on Down’s syndrome which is accurate, current and evidence based and which presents a true picture of all aspects of living who have Down’s syndrome.

To learn and improve, identifying good practice and lessons learned both from our experience and that of others to inform our future work.

To lead by example, striving to be trailblazers actively promoting the rights of people who have Down’s syndrome to be included as valued and equal members of society.

Our Approach

We are a membership organisation and people who have Down’s syndrome are at the heart of all we do. Everything we do is designed in response to the direction set by our members and guided by those who have Down’s syndrome.

Our vision is to see people whohave Down’s syndrome living healthy and meaningful lives in the community.

Providing information, support, training and resources

This happens in many ways, from publishing information resources, to hosting conferences, to the production of international guidance documents and the delivery of training.

We have a team of specialist professionals who can provide advice and individual assessments covering development, psychology, adult social care, mental health and speech and language assessments.

Our information helpline is a treasured point of contact and is manned by a team of experts who are available to talk to enquirers about a host of issues, to provide reassurance or responses to small questions or concerns or expert help with very complex cases.

Including people who have Down’s syndrome

We are a people led organisation and all that we do is led by people who have Down’s syndrome and their needs.

‘Our Voice’ is a team of people who have Down’s syndrome.

They work on projects and tell the DSA what they think about the work we do.

At the DSA we create an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and contribute towards our work.

In response to their requests and needs we run WorkFit, an employment project, which matches employers with job seekers. We also run DSActive, an activities project, which supports people to lead healthy and active lives by enabling healthy lifestyle choices and opportunities.


Raising awareness about Down’s syndrome

It remains vitally important to raise awareness about Down syndrome and the potential of people who have Down syndrome to contribute and live meaningful lives on an equal basis with others.

We support and promote international activity around World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) on 21 March each year as a day dedicated to people who have Down syndrome.

Through our nationwide network, our media channels and projects and our conferences, we highlight the conditions many face today, while focusing on the potential of people who Down syndrome and giving advocates a platform to speak up.