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Measuring mainstream teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of students with Down’s Syndrome?

What Is the Research About?

The research aims to measure teachers’ attitudes to the inclusion of students with Down’s syndrome within mainstream educational settings. It is important to measure attitudes as it will help identify and address any barriers towards the successful implementation of inclusive education policies.

The related factors to these attitudes will also be considered, because understanding the reasons for teachers’ attitudes enables professionals to support school staff in implementing inclusive education.

What will taking part involve?

Phase 1 of the research involves mainstream primary or secondary school teachers (currently working in the UK) completing an anonymous online questionnaire that should take a maximum of 15-minutes. Information, consent and the questionnaire are accessed by clicking on the link here.

Phase 2 of the research will involve a focus group of Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCOs)/ Additional Learning Needs Coordinators (ALNCOs) for a focus group. Recruitment will occur by the researchers contacting school Headteachers.

What happens to the results of the project? 

The results of the project will be analysed and written in a report which will be submitted as a part of my doctorate in educational psychology. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact a member of the research team:

Natasha Krause (Researcher):

Ian Smillie (Supervisor):