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Getting Garden Ready | Kate’s Blog

Last week I saw the physio to talk about my sprained ankle. He gave me some more exercises to do. Things have improved, although there is still some pain. I am looking forward to going back to my normal activities. It was so good to see my friends again.

I can see our Crab Apple tree from my bedroom window. It is in full bloom. Due to recent bad weather, our garden has been neglected. Over the next few weeks, we have lots of jobs to do. We need to cut the grass, remove weeds and prepare soil for plants. We need to also buy plants to put into our flow beds. Finally, the shed needs a coat of paint. The tomatoes plants we raise on the windowsill are doing really well. Our new garden gate needs to be painted with a preservative. A preservative protects the wood. I will be busy over the next few weeks.

Stay safe everybody, Kate.

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