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Project on Language in Individuals with Down’s Syndrome/Prosiect ar Iaith Unigolion â Syndrom Down

What are the language abilities of children with Down’s syndrome who are bilingual or monolingual?

Are there areas of language development that are more challenging for these individuals?

How does their language development compare for children who speak two languages compared to those who speak one?

These are some of the questions that we hope to answer with our research.

We hope that this research will provide a new insight into the bilingual and monolingual language development in Down’s syndrome that will assist families in making their own language choices, as well as implications to clinical practice and education policy in Wales.

Laurie and Austin are sister and brother, and Gwenan and Mari are their cousinsWhat will it involve?

Parents or guardians will be asked to complete a background questionnaire. Children will be tested on a range of standardised and non-standardised tests that will identify their strengths and weaknesses in their language development. Tasks designed to measure children’s awareness of speech sounds will also be assessed, such as rhyming and alliteration tasks.

Who: Children with Down’s syndrome between the ages of 5-18, who either speak one language or who are Welsh/English bilinguals

Where: The tasks can be conducted at a suitable location for you, whether it’s at your own home, school or other appropriate place and time.

How long will it take? It is estimated to take between 1.5-2 hours depending on breaks required

If you would like more information, please contact:

Rebecca Ward: or Dr Eirini Sanoudaki:

Down’s syndrome no bar to bilingualism, study suggests – BBC NEWS

Download a detailed information sheet about the project here or read Rebecca’s blog for more information by clicking here.

Beth yw gallu ieithyddol plant â Syndrome Down sy’n dwyieithog neu sy’n siarad un iaith?

A Oes patrymau yn datblygiad iaith yr plant yma ble mae rhai meysydd yn anoddach i ddatblygu nag eraill?

Sut mae’r datblygiad iaith yn cymharu ar gyfer plant dwyieithog â’r rhai sy’n siarad un iaith?

Dyma rai o’r cwestiynau yr ydym yn gobeithio eu hateb gyda’r ymchwil yma.

Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd yr ymchwil yn rhoi golwg newydd i mewn i’r datblygiad iaith plant dwyieithog neu sy’n siarad un iaith sydd â Syndrom Down. Bydd hefyd yn gobeithio helpu teuluoedd i wneud dewisiadau iaith eu hunain, yn ogystal â goblygiadau i ymarfer clinigol a pholisiau addysg yng Nghymru.

Laurie and Austin are sister and brother, and Gwenan and Mari are their cousinsBeth fydd yn ei olygu?

Gofynnir i rieni neu warcheidwyr i lenwi holiadur cyffredinol. Bydd plant yn cael eu profi ar  ystod o brofion safonol ac ansafonol a fydd yn arddangos eu cryfderau a gwendidau yn eu datblygiad ieithyddol. Bydd tasgau ychwanegol yn cael eu gynllunio er mwyn targedu eu ymwybyddiaeth o synau lleferydd, er engraifft tasgau odli a cyflythrennu.

Pwy: Plant â Syndrom Down rhwng 5-18 oed, sydd naill ai yn siarad un iaith neu sy’n ddwyieithog Cymraeg/Saesneg

Ble: Gall y tasgau gael eu cynnal mewn lleoliad addas i chi, boed hynny yn eich cartref, yr ysgol neu mewn man priodol arall ar amser priodol.

Pa mor hir y bydd yn ei gymryd? Amcangyfrifir i‘r tasgau cymryd rhwng 1.5-2 awr yn dibynnu ar nifer o seibiannau sydd ei angen

Oes Gennych Ddiddordeb?

Os hoffech chi fod yn rhan o’r ymchwil yma, neu os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:

Rebecca Ward: or Dr Eirini Sanoudaki: