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Down’s syndrome, ageing and dementia | Webinar

A 90 minute webinar for families and health and social care staff involved in assessing and providing for the care needs of adults with Down’s syndrome who have a diagnosis of dementia or work in services where they may attend.

Date: 29 April 2021 | Time: 10.00 – 11.30 am

Cost: £10.00 


Session now fully booked.

Webinar aims:

This webinar provide staff supporting adults with Down’s syndrome to understand the importance of recognising possible signs of the onset of dementia and the need to take a differential diagnosis approach – is it, in fact, dementia or what other possible causes of changes in individuals’ functioning and wellbeing need to be considered? You will then hear about the ‘philosophy of good care’ and learn practical strategies to ensure that individuals are well supported and their changing care needs are addressed.

After the webinar you will:

  • Be aware of the increased chances that adults with Down’s syndrome may develop dementia and that this can occur at an earlier age than the general population
  • Be able to recognise changes that may indicate onset and know more about the stages of dementia
  • Manage the physical and emotional well-being of individuals with a dementia diagnosis and understand the impact of this on their family-carers
  • Have insight into practical strategies that can support individuals diagnosed with dementia and ensure a balance is reached between maintaining skills and addressing increasing support-need