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Exploring the quality of life of adults who have Down’s syndrome: An introductory study

Can you help with this study? The researcher, Jenna Reisert, is looking for adults who have Down’s syndrome (18+) to take part in a short (30 to 40 minute) online video interview (via Zoom or Skype). Jenna will ask some questions about life, health, relationships, physical activity, independence, family, leisure and support services.

There is more information about the study in the flyer below and the participant form here.

This is a qualitative study, exploring different areas in the lives of adults who have Down’s syndrome. The study is designed to give adults the opportunity to provide insight into their own lives and what (if anything) they would like changed.

The purpose of the study is to learn more about how people who have Down’s syndrome perceive their quality of life, potentially highlighting areas for future research. It aims to explore how people who have Down’s syndrome view their environment and to learn about the activities they find meaningful.

Participants will be given an easy read participant sheet with pictures detailing what will take place; this will be reiterated verbally before the interview to ensure participants understand each point, including that they can withdraw from the study at any time.

Any questions or requests for further information can be directed to the researcher, Jenna Reisert.

Jenna Reisert:

Supervisor: Ayana Ifekoya:

Jenna is currently in her final term of obtaining her Masters of Occupational Therapy. She has a brother who has Down’s syndrome, and is passionate about raising awareness for this community. She also has created a social media platform dedicated to sharing stories of individuals who have Down’s syndrome and hopes to work in Early Intervention upon graduation.