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Download Your National Thank You Day Posters

As part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, National Thank You Day is taking place on 5 June. This is your chance to say a huge thank you to a person or a group of people that have done something amazing or have helped you in the last few years. It can be your parents, your friends, teachers or work colleagues. In fact, it can be anyone at all that you would like to say thank you to this year!


We would love you to share your ‘Thank You’ pictures with us as well, so we have designed a special DSA Thank You Poster that you can print off, colour in and write on. Once you have chosen who you would like to say thank you to, we would love you to submit a photo of yourself with your poster, so that we can share them as well and join in the celebration of everyone who has made a difference in the last few years.


Click here to download the colour version, or click on the image below.


You can also download a black and white version to colour in yourself! Click the photo below or this link to download your thank you poster in black and white.