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Enjoying the Beauty of Nature | Kate’s Blog

Last Saturday morning my older sister and I, with her border terrier Tilly went for a walk in Richmond Park. Then we met my brother and his girlfriend. My brother is a very keen bird watcher. We walked over to a lake called the Pen Ponds where there is lots of birdlife. I use his binoculars and he pointed out various birds around the pond.

A picture of Kate, well wrapped up in a cozy looking winter coat with a furry hood and scarf.

During our walk we saw several herds of deer roaming the park. We loved the walk; it was great exercise and Tilly enjoyed the wide open spaces. By the time we got home, we were quite tired and were surprised to find out we had walked 7 miles! We all relaxed and tucked into coffee and pastries. Soon it will be December and one of the first dates to remember is the 8th which is Christmas jumper day. I must find a jumper to wear. If you would like to, I hope you wear one and send in photos!

Stay safe everyone, Kate.