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Down2Earth Meeting – September 2019

It was lovely to see everyone on Sunday after our summer break!

We swapped news of our holidays and our members had been very busy with all sorts of fun activities, doing amazing drawings, going abroad, birthday parties and playing and watching football.

We then talked about what it means to our members to have Down’s syndrome.  This was for a new resource which the DSA is producing to tell people about Down’s syndrome.  We had a very good discussion and people came up with some good ideas for the resource.  People said that having Down’s syndrome was something they had had since they were born, it is a learning disability which means that sometimes they need support to do things, that sometimes using sign language helps people and that sometimes there might be health issues.  They also said that people with Down’s syndrome are just like anyone else and that they don’t like people saying they have Down’s syndrome.

Thank you to all our members for being so helpful!  We look forward to seeing everyone again in October.