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Crafting and Cooking | Vinay’s Blog

I have been taking part in arts and crafts.

I made a statue of myself! I used clay and pottery sticks. Before I started the statue, I took a picture of the sketch that I made using pencils. I also used colour pens. I really enjoyed it.

I have also been making poems and taking part in music activities. The teachers use drums and keyboards and use different instruments.

I made some poems, and they are going to put my poems into a book. It helps me as a person who has Down’s syndrome to learn about different music skills and I really enjoy it.

Finally,  I made a new drink for myself; It’s like a smoothie. It has cucumber, spinach, avocado, ice, and kiwi. I also add chocolate chip ice cream! It has lots of ingredients, but it is very nice and I enjoy it! I am also learning to make Chinese food now. Maybe you can try some things at home! Perhaps something with mushrooms like a Mushroom Risotto! I will tell you about it in the future.
