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Marmalade | Kate’s Blog

The bank holiday weekend weather was disappointing. We were hoping to go somewhere nice to sit in the sun and have a picnic but no such luck. Instead we did most of the gardening and a local walk.

What we always enjoy with breakfast is toast with marmalade especially if it’s homemade! It tastes much better than ones we buy in the shop. So we decided to make a fresh batch of homemade marmalade! Normally the recipe calls for fresh Seville Oranges, but these were not available in the shops. Mum had a quick method using tinned Seville Oranges. So out comes the big jam-making saucepan, in goes the contents of the tin, sugar and water and stirring with a big wooden spoon. Begins while the mixture is brought to the boil. Later when the mixture has thickened and cooled, we poured it into sterilised jars; the smell is wonderful and the taste is delicious! So now we have marmalade to last several months! I think it was time well spent!

Stay safe everybody, Kate