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A bit of a splash

A guest post by Liz of Coraline and Us

Liz and Kevin are parents to Coraline who is just coming up to her first birthday.

Liz writes a beautiful blog called Coraline and Us. You can also find the family on Facebook and Instagram.

As Liz puts it on her About Us page, after Coraline was born she and Kevin
“…discovered unexpectedly within hours, that Coraline has Down’s syndrome and two holes in the heart. We did not know anything about Down’s syndrome when she was born. This blog is about our journey of growth.”

Liz includes lots of stories and posts written by her friends and family and the following post, which she initially published back in May, quotes one of Coraline’s grandparents, Liz’s dad:

Coraline’s Grandpa has written this for Coraline, on the occasion of her turning nine months:

“I remember clearly talking with Liz and her younger brother before Coraline was born. What did I think she would be like, they asked? A surprisingly vivid image came to mind. I said that I thought she would be unusual, with a distinctive presence, and would influence many people in unforeseen ways. She would be gentle and idealistic. She would be self-possessed and have a deep inner calmness. Those were not the exact words I used but, I think, reasonably close to what I said and felt*.

The extraordinary thing is that Coraline’s little life is already evolving along precisely these lines. People respond to something special and unusual in her. I love her little, gentle cry and the way she can fix her gaze on you as though she is peering into your very soul. Her sense of wonder, concentration and connection with the world around her are beautifully captured in this photograph.

What would I want to say to Coraline? That she is a blessing, and that she has chosen her parents wisely! And that we will love each other deeply.”

*Note from Liz: I remember Dad’s words, “she’s going to make a bit of a splash,” and my brother and I both laughing at that.