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Exploring the experiences of siblings who have a brother or sister with Down’s Syndrome from underrepresented ethnicities

This research aims to explore what are the experiences of siblings who have a brother or sister with Down’s Syndrome from underrepresented ethnic groups in the UK.

This information will be used to explore an individual’s unique lived experience whilst also drawing upon similarities and differences with other sibling participants.

This research will use the voice of the siblings of individual’s with Down syndrome from underrepresented ethnic groups for which there is currently a need for more research in this area.

This will involve semi-structured interviews. The interviews will take place online using a platform called Microsoft Teams. There will be some questions for the sibling to answer.

To take part, the sibling must be a sibling of someone with Down’s Syndrome. Identify from an underrepresented ethnic background. Be between the ages of 9 – 25 years old.

Please do get in touch (email below) if you would like to find out more information about this research and/or would like to take part.

About the researcher – Gemma Watts –

My name is Gemma, and I am a trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Southampton. As part of my training, I am carrying out some research for my thesis.