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Below is Down’s syndrome specific information.

The information is for GPs and is to be used alongside the DSA’s Health Book.

The following information can be viewed online or downloaded and printed from the PDF.

See our factsheet: Eliciting a Case History

Checklist: Download this checklist of things should be included as part of a comprehensive and thorough Annual Health Check.

Adult Cardiac Disease Diabetes Hypertension
Alzheimer’s Disease Ear and Hearing Issues Orthopaedic Problems
Cervical Spine Problems Epilepsy Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections
Continence Problems Eye Conditions Sleep Problems
Dental Gastrointestinal Disorders Thyroid Dysfunction
Depression Hypercholesterolaemial Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The development of the DSA health book for adults was as a direct consequence of a survey of DSA members in 2010 to find out about their experiences of adult annual health checks. The results showed that uptake of the checks were patchy, with some members and those who supported them, being unaware of their existence.

As a consequence of the survey the DSA developed an adult health book with the aim of improving the uptake and quality of annual health checks for adults with Down’s syndrome. A pilot held in 2013 found the majority of participants considered the health book easy to use, liked the format and appreciated that it would enable all of the relevant information about their health to be kept in one place. In several instances GPs reported the health book helped them to identify previously undiagnosed health conditions.

The DSA launched their health book in March 2014 and a copy was sent to all adult members. This was later extended to members between the ages of 14 and 18. The DSA also produced an area on its website specifically for GPs to be used in conjunction with the health book. Here clear up-to-date information can be accessed on various health conditions associated with people who have Down’s syndrome.