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This page will help you to think about planning for the right support for your relative as well as how it will be paid for. The information here will be useful if you are just beginning to think about the future for your teenage or adult son or daughter. It will be particularly relevant if the person you support has had a needs assessment and you are at the support planning stage.

The page also provides information for support staff who are supporting people who have Down’s syndrome. Remember, no guide can replace you getting to know the person by talking and listening to them and by building a relationship.


Information for support staff – Supporting people who have Down’s syndrome

We have made this resource to help those who are supporting a person who has Down’s syndrome. It contains some basic information about Down’s syndrome, details of some of the challenges people may face and tips about how you can support a person to overcome these challenges.

Remember, no guide can replace you getting to know the person by talking and listening to them and by building a relationship.


We Can help

If you have any questions about social care, please contact us using Tel: 0333 1212 300 or Email: our information officers are unable to help, they will refer you to our social care adviser. We can help you by writing letters, requesting assessments, and formulating complaints.